Welcome to Tomas Music
Consultants Pte Ltd


Since 1994, Tomas Music Consultants Pte Ltd aims to promote and enrich the Singaporean and regional music scene by organizing International Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses and Seminars.

We also provide consultation for performances, workshops and seminars.

Event Archives

Dec, 04th - 10th 2006
6th International Guitar Festival 2006 (Singapore) & 2nd...
Sep, 12th - 18th 2005
5th International Guitar Festival 2005 (Singapore)
Sep, 01st - 05th 2004
4th International Guitar Festival
Apr, 27th - 27th 2004
Massimo Quarta
Sep, 04th - 05th 1998
Asza & Blair Zettl
Aug, 08th - 08th 1998
Maestro John Mills
Apr, 28th - 28th 1998
Italian Evening with Nova Amadeus
Apr, 02nd - 03rd 1998
Richard Dowling
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